Saturday, November 29, 2008

random things that I found, pt 2

The other day I posted a bunch of flickr pics that I found, mostly knit themed, so I thought I'd rummage through the site again to find some other really fun pics, just to see other people's really great creations.

Sundae Crochet is a cleverly made ice cream sundae - yum :) - despite the cooling weather, this I think inspired me to maybe make sundaes for dessert tonight!

Crochet Taffy Apples is another creation by the same artist, also looking decadently deeeelicious!

I love this crocheted Laughing Buddha - fantastically made!

The work that must've gone into these hyperbolic kelp and hyperbolic cacti must've been incredibly time consuming, but they look wonderful.

Now, I never knew this place existed, but there's actually a Crochet Museum out somewhere called Joshua Tree, which I assume would be in Arizona or California or something, which looks like a very fun place to visit! (For sure during the next road trip that DH and I take!)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hello, yes, there is the Crochet Museum here in beautiful Joshua Tree, California, right next to the Joshua Tree National Park. It was founded by the "Artqueen" Shari Elf. Well worth a visit, especially in fall - winter - spring. It is only open on weekends though.