a blogging journal, keeping track of my adventures in knitting and crochet, as well as my day-to-day
Sunday, April 29, 2007
the rhubarb in my garden
So, this year I'm getting my butt in gear and I'm actually doing something about this rhubarb. (This is largely inspired by the fact that we're renovating our kitchen, and installing a brand new oven! whoot!)
I like the idea of making preserves. I grew up with my mother and grandmother making tons of preserves with fruit that grew in their gardens, and figure I ought to get myself taught on doing preserves too. And, garden-grown preserves always make awesome December-holiday gifts, right?
I've found already 4 different rhubarb-preserves recipes online. If anyone out there in blogland has a tried-and-true-favourite-family-rhubarb-preserve recipe, I'd love it if you could share it in the comments. :)
I'll be sure to post pictures of my progress when I get around to making a few jars!
Friday, April 27, 2007
out with the old, and trying something new!
yay! I've attempted knitting socks before, but have struggled, but this particular yarn has some awesome colour, and I am quite eager to sport this particular pair of socks!
This will be my good news, before I vent about the bad.
Now, I don't believe in naming names because it's just not necessary, but I do feel the need to get this off my chest.
I often find myself relying to websites for new knitting inspiration, and lately have decided to pop into a few of these awesome sites and check out their posting forums and chatrooms. I found myself in a chatroom where I was surrounded by a quite aggrivated and mildly b****y group of women ~ I have obviously invaded the Mean Girls Knitting Snob Click. Within a week of hanging around in this particular chat room, I went from (what I thought was) positive knitters to chat with, to the cattiest of the most unfriendly and unwelcoming group of people.
Part of my Fiber Snob post a few days ago was inspired by a couple of these women in this chat room, but that negativity spread from one or two people through to the better part of the group. It went from joking sarcasm to harsh accusations, name calling, people ignoring then mocking, and finally a couple of them falsely accusing me of things like copyright infringement and bad business practice.
Now, granted, it's nothing more than the gross misinformed judgement of a handfull of people, and just out of a chat room, but considering that this is (from what I understand) a particularly popular site and seemingly a high-traffic chat room linked to it, I would hate to think that not only they would treat other new chatters the same way, but also, who knows how far false accusations travel once you've left? And who else also gets this negative attitude? For I'm sure I'm not the first, and likely won't be the last.
I do think that this sort of thing is unfortunate. To be honest, I was so happy to find what I thought to be a great place to hang out and chat in, considering that I'd be surrounded by knitters, as well as I have a lack of knitters in my personal life to stitch with. Who would've thought that such an immature, elitist attitude would transcent teenage immaturity and high school playgrounds into a chat filled with adults?
It's silly of me, I suppose, to expect anything more than extreme superficiallity when it comes to people's attitudes online. It was naive of me to think that a group of people, however small, with such a 'calming' ;) hobby as knitting would welcome me in their circle, irrigardless of what items I knit or which yarns I use, rather than make it a point to snub me out.
Who would've thought that knitters were so mean?
;) ah, live and learn.
Monday, April 23, 2007
Friday, April 20, 2007
My Rant Regarding Fiber Snobs
Thursday, April 19, 2007
it's ALIVE! run for the hills!

Dontcha just love a garden that doesn't need any help from you to grow? Just a little global warming, the occasional plop of bird poop, and the miracle of life just blooms away, all on its own! Mother Nature gives birth to another growing season!

Now, mind you, this isn't the blooming almond and cherry trees that my parents have, being in the south of France and all, but my pittery little Canadian garden is doin' a suberb job of growing a nice healthy layer of colourful goat food!

The first two pics are these fantastic purple and yellow flowers that show up and wave hello every spring, the weird red stemmed attempt-of-a-plant is rhubarb, the artichoke looking thing I'm sure will turn into a flower, and that plop of what-looks-like-grass is, in fact, garlic. Mmmmmm garlic.

Wednesday, April 18, 2007
a salut to purple fuzzy yarn!

I love those 1 lb bags of mill-ends yarn, such a great deal, and such funky yarn ~ too bad only Walmart carries it. Lewiscraft used to carry it too, but sadly they closed down... I miss Lewiscraft so much... anyway... good yarn! Woo hoo!
Friday, April 13, 2007
since it's Friday the 13th...
~ People magazine's "Insider" column reported in early 2001 on a very special baby shower for Camryn Manheim (The Practice) given by celebs and friends. The focal point of the party was a knitting lesson. Friends then each made a six-inch multicolored square for a baby blanket for Manheim
~ Younger women are picking up the craft. Since 1998, there has been a 400% increase in the number of women under 35 years old who crochet and knit
~ 1 out of 3 women knows how to knit or crochet. The number of women who do these crafts increased from 34.7 million in 1994 to 38 million in 2000.
(facts from http://iwpshopinfo.interweave.com/Knits/Judy%20Swartz/knittingfacts.htm)
~ The term sweaters began to be used for knitted pullovers formerly called ganseys or jerseys after they were used for athletic clothes. It is said they were called sweaters because that's what the athletes who wore them did -sweat!
(from http://escproductions.bizland.com/stonesneatstuff/knittingtreasury/index.html)
~ In the medieval Europe hand knitting was an important industry and had developed into an advanced craft by 16th century.
~ The oldest known knitting needles are double-pointed needles. They are normally used in sets of four or five as depicted in a number of 14th Century oil paintings.
(facts from http://www.purplekittyyarns.com/patterns/knitting.html)
~ During World War I President Woodrow Wilson allowed sheep to graze on the White House lawn. When the sheep were sheered, the wool was auctioned off and the proceeds went to the American Red Cross war relief fund.
~ American Red Cross knitters were still supplying the military with wool helmets as late as 1964. The men at remote arctic military outposts like Thule Airbase in Greenland and Goose Air Force Base in Labrador preferred the hand knitted wool helmets to the machine made synthetic varieties supplied by the army. The soldiers claimed that they kept your face warmer, longer in sub-zero temperatures
~ 1946 the North Atlantic Area chapters processed over 3,000 pounds of olive drab wool for the supplementary items for the military.
(facts from http://www.afghansforafghans.org/red_cross.html)
~ The Name "Crochet" comes from the word "crochet" meaning hook in the French language.
~ The Granny Square was orignally published by the Weldon company in London, as a pattern to use up leftover yarn.
(from http://www.associatedcontent.com/article/21758/crochet_facts_and_fun_filled_information.html)
~ Wool is comparatively stronger than steel.
~ Wool can absorb up to 30% of its weight in moisture, and is fire resistant.
(from http://ag.ansc.purdue.edu/sheep/ansc442/Semprojs/wool/wool_facts.htm)
Duke: O, fellow! come, the song we had last night.
Mark it, Cesario; it is old and plain;
The spinsters and the knitters in the sun,
And the free maids that weave their thread with bones,
Do use to chant it: it is silly sooth,
And dallies with the innocence of love,
Like the old age.
Wednesday, April 11, 2007
some more hand~dyed yarns
Wednesday, April 4, 2007
a scarf for my husband