I whipped up another pinwheel baby blanket - again making it in 12 sections instead of 10. I think this is the reason why the center 'pops out' a bit... I've blocked it quite a bit and the center of the blanket before the first purled row kind of comes out like a big boob. Meh. But I think there's hope yet in flattening it out, somehow.
I've included pics of some sheep I just finished making... more info about them can be found on my sheepy blog in this post I just put up today... here are the pictures, nevertheless:
Just an fyi... I've decided to donate $6 from each purchase of my Lebowski sweater pattern to different charities and organizations that are currently helping out in Haiti, from now until Valentine's Day.
If you want to find the pattern via Ravelry, click here - and if you're not on Ravelry, then you can go directly to the pattern on etsy here.
Donations will be divided between Red Cross and Doctors Without Borders, among others.
I love this felted tote pattern - I saw something similar to it in a book, and didn't buy it at the time, but I loved it regardless. The pattern's only free until about mid April, and it's only 1 page to print out. So print it and knit it and felt it already. I have.
Speaking of felting - I'm in the midst of making a bunch of knitted felted sheep! I'm hoping to get these done by the end of the week. Pictures and info to follow soon.
I knit this sweater for afghans for afghans youth campaignusing a little over 2 skeins of Lamb's Pride Worsted yarn, in old sage. Pattern is from a book called Paton's Back to Basics 2. I used an aran weight yarn for a pattern that called for worsted, and followed the sizing for an 8 year old. Buttons were 5/8”.
As it turns out, instead of having a ‘standard’ 25.5-26.5” chest, I think what I wound up with is a 33” chest. So, the 8 year old who winds up with this will be swimming in it. Oh well, lesson learned for the next time I make this pattern. (Or, to look at this more “glass half full” - this was purposely made to be loose fitting, lol!)
The pattern in the book says that a size 8 would fit a 25.5” chest, and according to the craft yarn council's site for sizing for an 8 year old, a 26.5” chest. Anything 4-6” bigger is considrered loose fitting, and 6” or more is ‘oversized’… hm… well, hopefully it’s a garment that will nonetheless be put to good use, it should be warm enough.